I’m so excited
I have my own writer’s website at last – http://www.audreychin.com!
It’s taken me a whole week to get it up, including a widget for subscribing to updates by email, a link to buy my hardcopy books at Select Books Asia and to download my e-books at Amazon.
I’m no end chuffed about it. My body’s been telling me it’s aging recently. Now I’ve learnt something entirely new at age 55, I’m going to tell that body it’s not so old after all.
Yes, there are still glitches on the site. It looks okay on my Windows laptop and Android phone but a little strange on ipad and the iphone. But I’m learning to accept imperfection too.
So, please celebrate with me and go along to http://www.audreychin.com for a look. And be sure to drop a comment if you see problems.