Award winning Asian writer and reader of the Libra Mundi
Birthday dinner in the dark
Heart Nine Cuts has been reviewed by Yeo Wei Wei
This Palm Sunday I didn’t go to church
Homelessness? Or a kind of freedom?
Immensely grateful to be a daughter of Singapore
It’s Sunday: Tiger Moms and Cubs need rest too
Reading in Myanmar: Text and sub-text
In Myanmar: Union Day among the Karen
Talking about Heart Bones on National Critics Choice
It’s reprehensible! Here’s what we can do –
Writers I read: A Singaporean Identity – Constance Singam, the epitome of true grit
Syria… September 11… Why they matter to me
Writers I Read: Trade the high-flying life for this …
Dalat – A special place in my heart
3.5 lost days and 12 surprising discoveries
A different lunch on the Mekong River
15 delectable dishes from Urbane
Books I Read: Sarah says – Yes! I’m a Christian Feminist (reblog)
A conversation across hemispheres – Kathleen Caron interviews me
A Singaporean Identity – A Singaporean Malay Muslim woman shows up to make a difference