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Award winning Asian writer and reader of the Libra Mundi

Audrey Chin
Aug 1, 20221 min read
A Cautionary Tale and Lessons Learnt
A close call and a new appreciation for my one life
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Audrey Chin
Jun 28, 20223 min read
How a catholic feminist embraces both questions and creed?
I'm conflicted. I identify as a practicing Roman Catholic. That means, I share spiritual sisterhood with some of the judges who...

Audrey Chin
Jun 15, 20224 min read
Today is International Domestic Workers Day: Does Anyone Care?
Just in case it slips our collective minds, here's a reminder - June 16th is International Domestic Workers Day. It's been over a decade...
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Audrey Chin
Dec 21, 20212 min read
A bowl of tang yuan for the COP
Today is Tong Zhi, the peak of winter. Up north in China, where some of my ancestors originated, they'll be looking forward to longer...

Audrey Chin
Aug 23, 20218 min read
Writers I Read: In Conversation with Antoinette Tidjani Alou
Africa, the cradle of human civilization, calls to us from deep within our bloodlines. In East Asia, our response often manifests as a...

Audrey Chin
Aug 16, 20214 min read
Afghanistan - Again the heart bones break (2)
The headlines say it all. 'The Taliban has entered Kabul' 'The Afghan president has fled' 'The US embassy is being evacuated'. As the...

Audrey Chin
Aug 12, 20214 min read
Afghanistan - Again the heart bones break (1)
Afghanistan is being retaken. And as it happens, some in the country will be rejoicing. Others, however, will be packing up their lives....

Audrey Chin
Jun 27, 20212 min read
Who we are, frames what we see
This is what greeted me at 7.30 on Saturday morning--- a 15 cm long turd on top of my front gate. Who the *#** had left it there? Turns...

Audrey Chin
Jun 7, 20213 min read
Books I Read: A Different Kind of Unease
There are horror stories which force you to keep the lights on all night. And then there are those stories which have you looking over...

Audrey Chin
May 28, 20212 min read
'Do it or I'll slap your black face!'
This is a quiz. Picture this: A light skinned woman asks a dark skinned woman to do something. The dark skinned woman says the other...

Audrey Chin
May 12, 20211 min read
'Ghosting' hurts. Let's not.
I was ghosted recently. An amicable acquaintanceship suddenly vanished. I could see the 'ghoster' on line, but as far as he/she/it was...
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Audrey Chin
May 6, 20213 min read
Do Barbie Dolls creep you out?
Creepy Barbie Dolls make a comeback

Audrey Chin
Nov 29, 20205 min read
Advent - Mary said yes, what about those who say no?
Advent - Mary said yes, what about those who say no? Life is beautiful, and life is hard. Shouldn't we be supportive rather than judging?

Audrey Chin
Nov 24, 20202 min read
Coming to Grips (3)
Thos who leave, come back. That's what the old stories say. You didn't come back though. Not physically anyway.

Audrey Chin
Nov 16, 20202 min read
Coming to grips (2)
Coming to grips. Learning to grieve. No tears isn't well done. It's unnatural. But it's too late. What emerges are mis-shappened hollows;

Audrey Chin
Nov 11, 20201 min read
Coming to Grips (1)
It has taken a long time for me to face the reality of my mother's passing. She left in March 2020. It's only now that I've begun to...

Audrey Chin
Mar 18, 20181 min read
Desperate Times Call for Desperate Paddling
This week’s headlines haven’t been encouraging –
Chinese political appointments, White House firings, school shootings, old Russian spies fa

Audrey Chin
Mar 11, 20183 min read
On Self-Censorship, OB Markers and Beyond
Last week, I made a hole in a fence. Guess what? It was no_big_deal. I realized – we take fences too seriously
Audrey Chin
Jun 18, 20172 min read
A Father’s Day Reflection on Family, Citizens and Office Holders
When the first Facebook posting of the Lee family’s disputes appeared, my interest was piqued. Then came the ripostes from the Prime...

Audrey Chin
Aug 1, 20163 min read
Miming Climaxes? Playing at Rape? We're All Implicated
I confess. I too decried those activities of those university students. How could they even think it was okay?
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